On Monday of this week, a friend who scours the local Sunday paper sent me an article by email. I read the title: "The Puzzling High Cost of Delivering a Baby." For a few seconds I thought, well, okay, someone else has written on the same subject that I had submitted to the paper the preceding week! Great, I'm not alone! But when I touched the screen and started to read I saw that what she emailed me was the story that I had sent in. It was in print already and I was excited to get a personal response so quickly.
(Most recent post is here.)
Anyway, a few days later I went back to the York Hospital to look again at the old medical artifacts by the library where I had spotted the small bill for the delivery. As I drove up I noticed the prominent “Valet Parking” sign. It made me think that I was pulling up to a four-star hotel. Maybe my room will have a view, maybe the food will be spectacular...No, that's just to make it easier for patients and families, I know. There was no such welcoming sign 33 years ago when I arrived here from Baltimore.

I saw that the graduating nurses in the carefully-arranged black-and-white photo were all women. The ratio of women to men in nursing was 12.7 to 1 in Pennsylvania in 2015 according to "Becker's Hospital Review." The situation with regard to physicians years ago was, of course, the exact reverse. In fact, I found only two women physicians in the official photo of the entire medical staff of 1983. Now?
Overall, the percentage of physicians who are male is 65% according to a Medscape report of 2016. But women represented 46% of U.S. graduating physicians in 2015. So, in 1984 there were only two women doctors here, and almost no male nurses. The change over three decades is striking. It sometimes takes a long time to see the full story. You need to stick around, and you need to pay attention. Maybe the looking back causes us to wince when we see where we are now. It takes time to get used to new ideas. Sometimes we get stuck when “we like what we have.” Sometimes it's better to change. Sometimes it hurts to care about the world enough to try to improve it.
My sister-in-law noted that our parents never talked about healthcare costs. Why didn't they? The idea of health insurance started at the turn of the last century. In Pennsylvania Blue Cross was a non-profit enterprise run by the Commonwealth. In the 1930's membership in a Blue Cross plan was practically a civic duty. Boy Scouts handed out enrollment procedures and preachers urged all members of their congregation to enroll.
And that is how my parents could afford to have four children in the 1950s and not worry about becoming bankrupt and to even allow themselves the dream of sending us to college. I can imagine my father smoking, with the cigarette dangling precariously from the corner of his mouth, waiting for the next mouth to feed and not being in the least concerned about the hospital bill, only that we were were healthy.
Maybe the original Blues had the right idea. Maybe some old things are worth looking at again (but not cigarettes).
(Click here for the most recent story about one of our York, PA doctors.)
(Click here for the most recent story about one of our York, PA doctors.)
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